Christmas 2001 Photo Gallery
Christmas 2001
I'm not too excited about Christmas!
Christmas 2001
The kids are still working on showing
their Christmas spirit.
Christmas 2001
"More pictures? You're going to wear out
that new camera, Mom!"
Christmas 2001
There's Rich with his new Atomic Clock
that Kelly got for him after she saw him
drooling over it in Target in California!
Christmas 2001
"See how my top front tooth
is barely hanging in there?"
Christmas 2001
"Do we really have to do this?"
Christmas 2001
"This morning, I woke my parents up at 4am to
tell them that my tooth had just fallen out...
Merry Christmas!!!"
Christmas 2001
After opening all of her presents, Lauren
opts for her trusty pen and endless supply
of paper to do some more drawing.

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