Christmas 2003 Photo Gallery
Christmas 2003
Grandma, Lauren, and cousin Rachael make
gingerbread houses again this year.
Christmas 2003
The kids get DVD-ROM drives for their computers...
a few days early.
Christmas 2003
Everybody's building the tree.
Christmas 2003
Lauren fights to get the tree out.
Christmas 2003
There we go.
Christmas 2003
"The tree is in place now... I think I'll
just wait here for a few days."
Christmas 2003
...Still waiting...
Christmas 2003
Lauren sits under the mistletoe with a sign that
says, "Come and kiss the girl."
Christmas 2003
Ryan works on finishing off a candy cane.
Christmas 2003
They're in their "Best Behavior" mode now
as the clock winds down.
Christmas 2003
Ryan tries out his new GameBoyTM
Christmas 2003
Lauren gets an extra surprise at breakfast
on the bottom of her cinnamon roll.
Christmas 2003
Lauren tries out her new wheels.
Christmas 2003
Rich tracks everyone's position at the park with the GPS.
Christmas 2003
Chris tries out Ryan's scooter since...
Christmas 2003
...he'd rather be using his GameBoy.

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