Christmas 2006 Photo Gallery
Christmas 2006
"Hi, we're both PCs and we got new hard drives..."
Christmas 2006
Lauren shows off her gingerbread house from this year.
Christmas 2006
...and Ryan shows off his.
Christmas 2006
Rich's new guitar amp is the smallest yet.
Christmas 2006
Everyone works on the tree...
Christmas 2006
And then...
Christmas 2006
...everyone takes a turn...
Christmas 2006
Christmas 2006
Christmas 2006
Christmas 2006
Ryan tries out one of his Lord Of The Rings DVDs.
Christmas 2006
Lauren tries out her Dogz 5 game.
Christmas 2006
Chris is baking us some Christmas goodies.
Christmas 2006
"I don't think a football is a very good Chistmas present."
Ralphie Parker - A Christmas Story

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