Christmas 2012 Photo Gallery

Pictures from around here during the 2012 Christmas holiday season...

Christmas 2012
A nice little bow for Lauren's hair.
Christmas 2012
Lauren gives the Christmas tree a hug.
Christmas 2012
"Ta-da! I'm already done with the lights!"
Christmas 2012
Chris keeps Elvis up on a pedestal.
Christmas 2012
Lauren puts the angel on top of the tree.
Christmas 2012
The uneaten side of Lauren's gingerbread house.
Christmas 2012
Ryan decides not to wait until Christmas and shows off his new iPod Touch 5G a couple of weeks early.
Christmas 2012
Lauren contemplates opening an unexpected gift/package a few days early.
Christmas 2012
The Christmas setup on Christmas morning.
Christmas 2012
Elvis tries to figure out how to get his new toy squirrel away from Lauren.
Christmas 2012
"Got it!"
Christmas 2012
Ryan opens one of his gifts.
Christmas 2012
Lauren finds a soprano ukulele under the tree this year...
Christmas 2012
...and tries it out.

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