Miscellaneous Photo Gallery
Photos From Around Here... That just can't be categorized.

Our kids have...

...really big heads.

They're also learning...

...to appreciate fine music.

Sometimes they double as Jedi Knights (Star Wars)...

...or "Agents" (The Matrix)...

...or SpiderBoy...

...or SpiderGirl.

One of us really likes Star Wars a lot...

One of us really likes Caffeine-Free Coke a lot.

Sometimes we think that our methods of discipline...

...could be having an adverse effect on Ryan.

...but it might just be...

...something in the water here.

Lauren helps take care of the yard.

Here's our "pet" squirrel.

A day at the beauty parlor - the "Before" picture.

The "After" picture.

Another new hair day. Just the "After" this time.
(One of us is trying to stay out of too much trouble.)

"I like to talk on the phones."

"What'll ya have!?"

Chris all ready to go to her conference in Kansas City.

Lauren has started playing hockey...

...when she's not fighting off Ryan.

Rich doesn't drive the Z28 much anymore...
(Note the cobwebs between the tire and the body.)

...so this is how he tries to look cool.

The kids act like they love each other at Christmas...

...and have a rare opportunity to play in the snow.

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