A partial AMEBA reunion (How are people always so busy that they either show up unprepared, or not at all?)...
...in preparation for "The Big Retreat" - Mar 04, 2005
I'm playing a Les Paul/Strat through a Marshall TSL100/1960A. (Same as 2002 except the 1960A has been customized, and it's a different strat.)
Vocals and other guitar were cut since they didn't work out. The mix is bad anyway.
("Live" drums were MIDI'd from Tim Myers hits in June, 2002 / I overdubbed the Bass Guitar afterwards)
Track List
Click a song title to listen, or right-click to save the file to your local hard drive.
I Have Come To Love You
Electric Guitar: Rich McCoy
Bass Guitar: Rich McCoy (Post)
Drums: Tim Myers (MIDI)
Electric Guitar Rig: Custom Gibson Les Paul --> Marshall TSL100 --> Custom Marshall 1960A (G12H30)
Bass Guitar Rig: Custom Sigma --> SansAmp Bass Driver DI
Cut JC, Marghie from mix... Wasn\'t working out too well.
We Want To See Jesus Lifted High
Electric Guitar: Rich McCoy
Bass Guitar: Rich McCoy (Post)
Drums: Tim Myers (MIDI)
Cut JC, Marghie from mix... Wasn\'t working.
Set Me On Fire
Electric Guitar: Rich McCoy
Bass Guitar: Rich McCoy (Post)
Drums: Tim Myers (MIDI)
Electric Guitar Rig: Custom Fender Fat Strat --> Marshall TSL100 --> Custom Marshall 1960A (G12H30)
Bass Guitar Rig: Custom Sigma --> SansAmp Bass Driver DI
Cut JC, Marghie from mix... Wasn\'t working out too well.
I'm Not Ashamed
Electric Guitar: Rich McCoy
Bass Guitar: Rich McCoy (Post)
Drums: Tim Myers (MIDI)
Electric Guitar Rig: Custom Fender Fat Strat --> Marshall TSL100 --> Custom Marshall 1960A (G12H30)
Bass Guitar Rig: Custom Sigma --> SansAmp Bass Driver DI
Cut JC, Marghie from mix... Wasn\'t working out too well.
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